Serving High Achievers and Their Organizations

Where Psychology Builds Business

Colorful image of two hands shaking with the word Growth over the handclasp and the words Psychology and Growth on each side underneath


Dr. Tricia Groff specializes in High Achievers and their leadership teams. She is an executive coach and licensed psychologist who integrates her love of business and her knowledge of human behavior to help people win. Dr. Groff’s clients are owners, partners, and executives in fast-growing companies. Intellectually, they are analytical, ambitious, opinionated, and open-minded. Personally, they are dedicated people of high integrity, wrapped in a wicked sense of humor and unexpected kindness. People with high-achieving personalities have common strengths and growth edges. Working within these characteristics helps to optimize personal and leadership success.

Dr. Tricia headshot in blue circle


Business is based on people. Whether we are discussing the work style of leaders, employee selection, marketing, or the relationship between investors and the C-suite, the idiosyncrasies of humanity permeate business decisions. If we focus only on business knowledge, without addressing human factors, we put ceilings on the success of our organizations. Likewise, if we focus only on human needs, without implementing sound business strategy, we limit the profitability and sustainability of our businesses. When we intentionally integrate the fundamental concepts of  psychology with the guiding principles of  business, we are able to create organizations that thrive.

You are not alone.

Intersecting Excellence

An Encouraging Reminder about Excellence

 Assessing problems from only one angle yields incomplete and usually, inaccurate assumptions. Most outcomes in business and life result from a series of interactions and dependencies rather than dichotomous taxonomies and linear correlations.  Sometimes trying to account for all factors of excellence can be overwhelming. We want a simple answer and a clear path forward. Yet, acknowledging complexity helps us to find solutions that work for the long game rather than shortcuts that taste sweet for a moment but leave us with a stomachache.

The upside is when we understand that variables intersect, we don’t have to improve everything  to achieve growth. When we pursue excellence for ourselves, we impact the quality of our relationships. If we increase excellence in our organizations, we enhance personal satisfaction. When we pursue excellence with others, our organizations thrive. 


Venn diagram of intersecting circular logo frames with personal, interpersonal and organizational icons with excellence in the middle

Personal excellence for high achievers often includes wellness, fulfillment, managing expectations, and maintaining boundaries. The most difficult aspect is making peace with the challenges that occur when one is different from 95% of the population. Interpersonal excellence requires navigating the squishy variables of humanity and making the right decisions about employees or colleagues. Organizational excellence often requires tough decisions in order to protect the growth, viability or future of organizations.

For High Achievers and their organizations, growth doesn’t stop; it iterates and evolves as variables change. Remember that the focus on mastery and innovation means that you will sometimes fail. That doesn’t make you a failure. When we take on challenges without clear paths, it can be difficult to predict excellence. Do your best to stay attuned to the variables in play and keep moving forward.

Highlighted Services

Whole Person Executive Coaching

Business Failure Club

Conversations for Teams

People Assessment & Due Diligence

Human Due Diligence and People Assessment

Also, known as Dr. Tricia’s Soapbox.

How many times have you witnessed or experienced a great opportunity fall apart because of the humans involved? A business partnership with a complementary skill set that should have worked? An employee that seemed to check all the boxes? A deal in which the optimal gains were lost because of nuances not captured in the contracts ? A marriage of two great people who separately, were like cake and icing, but together, formed ketchup lemonade?

Many of the most important business decisions happen without a thorough assessment of the fundamental factors that drive ROI (return on investment). Employees are hired based on resumes (or desperation). Acquisitions rely on discounted cashflows. Board members are assessed on their experience and network. Partnerships assume that shared interests and good intentions will create a viable company. People sell their businesses with the faith that their accountants and attorneys will cover all human bases.

Venn Diagram of Intersection variables of time investment, financial investment and emotional/intellectual investment with ROI in the center

These shortcuts don’t happen because the stakeholders involved are stupid; rather, there is a lack of shared language and processes to address the human factors that impact revenue, create legal risk, and differentiate between whether a partnership or M&A deal results in a dream or a nightmare.

In many cases, the lack of human due diligence not only decreases the ROI, it yields negative return in the form of energy that is allocated to survival instead of growth, legal fees, and loss of sleep. On the other hand integrating human assessment into business scenarios PRIOR to the handshake, offer, or contract, can both mitigate the risk of human factors and develop collaborations to yield win-win scenarios and get the optimal return on the time and effort involved.

Need a Fast Reference to Navigate Humans?

Years ago, one of my clients asked if she could record our appointments. Over the years, I’ve always wanted a way to provide cornerstone information to people regardless of their ability to work with me. Additionally, in my appointments with High Achievers, I found myself having some of the same conversations many times. A lot of smart people don’t talk about the conundrums of dealing with themselves and others because it makes them feel stupid. I want them to know that they are not alone, but also to provide concise, actionable advice.

Explore the Relational Genius Series

  • Increase leadership confidence and personal excellence.
  • Teach people how to take you seriously.
  • Assess people’s motivation to pull the best out of them.
  • Protect yourself and your organization from difficult people.
  • Scripts for setting boundaries, apologizing, and other awkwardness.
Picture of the Relational Genius book by Dr. Tricia Groff

Favorite Client Comments

“It’s legit shit. Not foofy-fluffy. You have this way of combining psychology and business into tactical solutions that I can actually use.”

D. L.

“I have been very protective of keeping you in the budget. The value you bring to our company is not lost on me.” (confidential)

“Comparing other coaches to Dr. Tricia is like comparing McDonald’s with Morton’s Steakhouse.”

A. T.

“I can’t imagine where I’d be personally or professionally without her.”

P. N.

“Dr. Groff is that rare individual who not only understands how to help you achieve success, but she also understands the very real human emotions that color the process. She is intelligent in kind. Dr. Groff is the best there is to illuminate your path forward. Look no further.”

–Penny C