Analytical and Intuitive Decision-Making: Understanding how intuition works for better decision-making, risk-mitigation, and relational genius.

Analytical and Intuitive Decision-Making: Understanding how intuition works for better decision-making, risk-mitigation, and relational genius.

I didn't debate the executive's dismissal of intuitive decision-making as he stated that his company uses objective standards for assessing new hires. He was proud about the metrics and noted that  “we don’t put much weight on gut feelings.” I could have argued that...

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Clear the Cache; Delete the Code – Make Your Effort Count. Optimizing high-achieving mindsets and organizational change principles to get the results you want

Clear the Cache; Delete the Code – Make Your Effort Count. Optimizing high-achieving mindsets and organizational change principles to get the results you want

High-Achievers, Organizations, and Websites All Run on Code I rebuilt my website. (Why would I not have someone else do it? Some people like football; some people like knitting; I like technology).  Back to the point. When building websites, there is a process through...

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I Want Men in the Room

I Want Men in the Room

This week I reached out to a tech investment forum to inquire about an event. I received a response which said: “this event is closed to non-members, but here is the information for a women’s event you may want

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Data Lost

Data Lost

Data Lost - The Mistake We Make When Assessing Our Productivity It's easy to be lopsided and inaccurate when we do a productivity assessment. Last night, my friend said, “it was a ‘hilly day’. I spent 45 minutes thinking about what went wrong so that I wouldn’t repeat...

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Struggling to Win

Struggling to Win

“make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.” Client: “Dr. Tricia—I should have figured this out by now. I own a successful company. I’m smart. Why is it so hard? I feel like something is wrong with me.”

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Change the World

Change the World

I'm going to change the world. It's a unique goal goal worth pursuing. Sometimes being the person with big ideas can be lonely though. People are viewed as a genius AFTER they have succeeded in making a large contribution. On the...

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